快來為你最喜愛的 2024 Little Sunshine 投票吧!這 8 位才華橫溢的小朋友,各自展現出獨特的魅力,無論是唱歌還是跳舞,他們都充滿自信與活力,讓人眼前一亮。你的一票是對他們最大的支持與鼓勵,助他們在比賽中邁向更高峰。立即投下你寶貴的一票,最高票數的小朋友將贏得「2024 Little Sunshine 網上至 LIKE 大獎」殊榮! Little Sunshine 決賽將於 11 月 16 日 (星期六) 2:30pm 在列治文時代坊舉行,他們將競逐冠、亞、季軍和才藝大獎,而「網上至 LIKE 大獎」結果亦會於決賽當天揭曉及在「票選 + 遊戲」版面公佈。 Cast your vote now for your favorite 2024 Little Sunshine! These 8 talented children each showcases their unique charm, whether through singing, dancing, or other performances, they radiate confidence and energy, truly shining on stage. Do not miss your chance to vote and let them shine even brighter! The contestant with the most votes will be awarded the prestigious "2024 Little Sunshine People's Choice Award!" Voting result will be announced at the Little Sunshine Finale held on November 16 (Sat) 2:30pm at Aberdeen Centre, and will be also published here. * 每個 IP 地址只能投票一次, 新時代集團員工及其家屬不能參加。 Maximum one vote per IP address. Fairchild Group staff and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter.
姓名 Name:
電話 Phone number:
性別 Gender: male female others
年齡範圍 Age Group: 20 and under 21 – 35 36 – 50 51 – 65 66 and above
家庭成員數量 Number of Family Members: 1 2 to 4 5 or more
居住地區 District I live in: Vancouver Richmond Burnaby Surrey/White Rock Coquitlam/Port Coquitlam/Port Moody North Vancouver West Vancouver New Westminster Delta/Tsawwassen Langley Others
I have read the rules and regulations.
I have read the privacy statements.