Survey result 最新媒體調查報告出爐 加拿大中文電台以 88% 成為大溫華語電台的 No. 1!
January 1, 2019, 12:00 am


根據獨立市場調查研究公司 Nexxt Intelligence 最新媒體調查*結果,加拿大中文電台繼續成為溫哥華最多華語電台聽眾收聽的中文電台,比率高達 88%,遠遠抛離對手 95.56%!不但聽眾人數有所上升,「我最喜愛的電台」指數更是另一華語電台的 5 倍!

According to the latest Chinese media consumption research done by Nexxt Intelligence, Fairchild Radio is once again Vancouver's No. 1 Chinese radio station. We thank you for your support because we can't have done it without you.  We will continue to strive for excellence and we count on your support for the years to come. Thank you!


自 1995 年起,加拿大中文電台於每次市場調查**中均獨佔鰲頭,一直是大溫華語聽眾的 No. 1。我們將秉承一貫的宗旨,勵精圖治,繼續將最優質的節目,透過電台、網頁和手機 app 廣播,並利用 Facebook微博微信等社交平台,和全球聽眾即時互動。



 *Fairchild Media Group Canadian Chinese Media Consumption Research was conducted with 600 18+ Chinese-speaking Chinese Canadians living in the GVA between October and November 2018. Margin or error: +/- 4 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

**1995、1998、2000、2005 及 2007 之溫哥華華人市場調查報告。